Bauhaus 2.0 {Site, Identity}
Bauhaus 2.0 is an educational business programme for design leaders, where people with a wide variety of backgrounds can study with CEOs, CTOs and Heads of Design from top businesses, startups and products companies.
The site and identity are inspired by the principles of function over form championed by the Bauhaus. We used the bare minimum of tools: one font, one color, and simple shapes. Student exercises with geometric primitives were used as the foundation for the graphics on the landing page. The site’s animation was an attempt to imagine how the graphics would look if HTML and JavaScript existed 100 years ago.

Svyat Vishnyakov {Web & Identity}
Nastya Vishnyakova {Identity}
Ony Future {Ony Agency}
TDC 66 {New York}
Awwwards {Honorable Mention}